Scientific American Magazine Vol 275 Issue 5

Scientific American

Volume 275, Issue 5

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Can China Feed Itself?

Some surprisingly reasonable policy changes would enable the world's largest nation to produce more food for its 1.2 billion citizens

Global Climatic Change on Mars

Today a frozen world, Mars at one time; may have had more temperate conditions, with flowing rivers, thawing seas, melting glaciers and, perhaps, abundant life

Immunity and the Invertebrates

The fabulously complex immune systems of humans and other mammals evolved over hundreds of millions of years -- in sometimes surprising ways

Sharks and the Origins of Vertebrate Immunity

Sharks, which have existed for as many as 450 million years, offer glimpses of a distant period in the evolution of the immune system

The Case for Electric Vehicles

New technological developments have put practical electric cars within reach, but politics may slow the shift away from internal-combustion engines

Rock Art in Southern Africa

Paintings and engravings made by ancestors of the San peoples encode the history and culture of a society thousands of years old


A new model of this reading disorder emphasizes defects in the language-processing rather than the visual system. It explains why some very smart people have trouble learning to read

Quantum Seeing in the Dark

Quantum optics demonstrates the existence of interaction-free measurements: the detection of objects without light—or anything else —ever hitting them


Mathematical Recreation
A Guide to Computer Dating
Technology and Business
Molecular Molds
Needles in A Cold War Haystack
Pressure to Change
Pump It Up
Pictures Worth a Thousand Cameras
Reviews and Commentaries—The World on a Platter
What Goes Around Comes Around
From the Editor
An Honest Quantum Con Job
Science and the Citizen
Different Strokes
Hot Jupiters
Multicultural Studies
Science with Brass
In Focus
The Price of Silence
By the Numbers
Global Forest Cover
In Brief
In Brief, November 1996
Amateur Scientist
Much Ado about Nothing
Anti Gravity
On Presidents and King
Starting with a Clean Slate
50, 100 & 150 Years Ago
50, 100 and 150 Years Ago: Vitamin C Deficiency, London to Brighton Run and Issues with the Telegraph
Field Notes
Bring Me a Shrubbery
Giant against Giant in the Dark
Letters to the Editors, November 1996
Working Knowledge
Television Ratings—Working Knowledge
Cyber View
The Rosetta Hack